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Event Management Software - Solutions for Your Event

Event Industry to Play Safe with Hybrid Events in 2021

The event market is still a bit undecided and therefore in 2021 it is predicted that Hybrid events will be the way the event industry prepares itself for future virtual events. While playing it safe here are a few points that need to be regarded while hosting hybrid events that would balance both in-person and virtual participation. Check out our observations.

Events are taking a new role from the in-person to virtual with COVID 19 pandemic storming the event industry. Now large groups and gatherings are strictly taboo but obviously, that does not mean that business has stopped. Thanks to technology, virtual events and virtual conferences, or hybrid events as you call them, are slowly making their presence felt. These are becoming more of a necessity than an option. Online event planning is essential not only because this is a new platform but also because the potential of the virtual conference is much wider than one can anticipate. So, time to tap on this unexplored zone.

Virtual is the reality today

It is thought that in the coming years all events will grow hybrid. That is people will have two options, either to attend the event if they choose or be an online participant. This will be all the more challenging for the event industry. Managing two events in one. There has to be more engagement in the online content and a greater thrust will have to be put on virtual events as the participants will be more for the virtual than in-person ones. Making both virtual and in-person attendees feel that they are equally important will be a challenge. Combining both events effortlessly and equally will demand high-end technological support. The remote attendees my not have the same attention span as the participants who are present in person, a balance has to be maintained. A very dynamic presentation will be required to bring the two together with equal interest.

Determining true engagement from online attendees is another challenging area of the hybrid event. While in-person registration will make that possible, for online attendee’s metrics like time spent or engagement onscreen will be used for the reporting ROI. Marketers will need to combine both the data to understand the actual level of engagement from the participants.

The role of technology

In the quarantine/ lockdown period many event technology apps have flooded the market with the strength to host from the smallest event to the biggest. Evensis is an event management software that can multitrack conferences, network roundtables and schedule meetings. You can safely rely on its management to help you host successful hybrid conferences. Evensis ensures a seamless experience in hybrid events. Bringing both online and in-person attendees together the technology helps event managers to accumulate data for the sales team and company CRM. With virtual events becoming the new norm their Event Technology Managers will have a very crucial role to play in the coming years helping marketers get a better insight into the event.


Hybrid events will also have to carefully choose venues. A venue that offers the best option for health, hygiene and social distancing will be the principal outlook. A greater thrust will be on the outdoor than indoor and at the same time, the venue will need to handle the technical requirements to balance the online part of the event. Therefore, very strong bandwidth and high technology are what the future hybrid events will be based on. Choose https://www.evenesis.com as your most compatible partner for hosting big events on a massive scale.

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